Origin Story
Back in 2009 we were visiting family in the South and met an 8 year old Chihuahua named Beulah Jones. She was sick, poorly nourished, and in immediate need of medical care that was beyond the means of her human companion to provide. We were quickly smitten with this eccentric, trembling little lady and offered to adopt her and tend to her medical needs.
Over the next few months and years we watched Beulah Jones flourish and thrive, and ultimately live to be 17 years old! She enriched our lives so much and taught us that senior aged dogs are often forgotten, neglected, or unintentionally left behind by human caregivers who have passed before them. We realized that rescuing and giving sanctuary to elderly dogs would be a necessity in our lives. Fast forward to 2024 and we now care for a continual pack of 6 senior dogs who remain with us for the duration of their lives.

After learning about the work we do with seniors, a former coworker introduced us to an organization called Old Friends Senior Dog Sanctuary, based just outside of Nashville, TN. While we can only accommodate a small pack of six, OFSDS provides care and permanent sanctuary to hundreds of dogs. We decided that dedicating fundraising efforts for this incredible organization would become an essential function for Solstad House.
We have dedicated a section of our store to a beautiful and eclectic mix of vintage lamps. 100% of the sales from these unique (and sometimes hilarious) lamps goes directly to Old Friends. Since the launch of Solstad House, we’ve had the privilege of raising thousands of dollars for this organization thanks to the support of our compassionate patrons.